Prison gangs are now in the Philippines and Worldwide
Prison gang is a term used to denote any type of gang activity in prisons and
correctional facilities. Prison officials and others in law enforcement use the
term security threat group or STG. The concept for this name is to take away the
recognition and publicity that the term “gang” connotates when referring to
people who have an interestin undermining the system.
Most prison gangs do more than offer simple protection for their members.
Most often, prison gangs are responsible for any drug, tobacco or alcohol
handling inside correctional facilities. Furthermore, many prison gangs involve
themselves in prostitution, assaults, kidnappings and murders. Prison gangs
often seek to intimidate other inmates (pressuring them to relinquish their food
and other resources) and bribe or intimidate prison staff (to ensure they can go
about their activities without interference, and to create links to the
In addition, prison gangs often exercise a large degree of influence over organized crime in the “free world”, larger than their isolation in prison might lead one to expect. Since the 1980s, larger prison gangs have consciously worked to leverage their influence inside prison systems to control and profit from drug trafficking on the street. This is made possible based upon the logic that individuals involved in selling illegal drugs face a high likelihood of serving a prison term at some point or in having a friend or family member in prison. The cooperation of drug dealers and other criminals can be secured due to the credible threat of violence upon incarceration if it is not provided. Prison gang members and associates who are released are usually expected to further the gang’s activities after their release and may face danger if they refuse and are returned to prison, such as on a parole violation. The War on Drugs also led to large numbers of drug addicts serving prison terms, providing gangs with a significant method of asserting control within the prison and by controlling the drug trade that happens on the yard and behind bars.
Prison gangs can also be responsible for laundering money from outside gangs, usually the free world branches of the same gangs “on the inside.”
Most correctional facilities have policies prohibiting the formation of prison gangs. However, many prison gangs continue to operate with impunity. As these gang members are already in prison, and often serving long sentences, any punishment incentive to leave a gang or to integrate with the general prison population is reduced.
Prison gangs often have several “affiliates” or “chapters” in different state prison systems that branch out due to the movement or transfer of their members. Smaller prison gangs may associate with or declare allegiance to larger ones. In addition, some prison gang “chapters” may split into antagonistic groups that become rivals, as the MexicanMafia did in Arizona (into the “Old” or “Original” Mexican Mafia associated with the original California gang and the “New Mexican Mafia”, a rival group).
In the United States
Aryan Brotherhood: A white prison gang that originated in California’s San Quentin Prison, amongst White American prisoners, in 1964 (their emblem, “the brand”, consists of a shamrock and the number 666). Perhaps out of their ideology and the necessity of establishing a presence among the more numerous Black and Hispanic gang members, the AB has a particular reputation for ruthlessness and violence. Since the 1990s, in part because of this reputation, the AB has been targeted heavily by state and federal authorities. Many key AB members have been moved to “supermax” control-unit prisons at both the federal and state level or are under federal indictment.
Nazi Lowriders: A newer white prison gang that emerged after many Aryan Brotherhood members were sent to the Security Housing Unit at Pelican Bay or transferred to federal prisons. NLR is associated with members originally from the Antelope Valley and is known to accept some light-skinned or Caucasian-identified Hispanic members.
La Eme or the Mexican Mafia: “Eme” is the Spanish name of the letter “M” and it is the 13th letter in the alphabet. The Mexican mafia are composed mostly of Hispanics, although some Caucasian members exist. The Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood are allies and work together to control prostitution, drug running, weapons and “hits” or murders. Originally formed in the 1950s in California prisons by Hispanic prisoners from the southern part of that state, Eme has traditionally been composed of US-born or raised Hispanics and has retained ties to the Southern California-based “Sureños”. During the 1970s and 1980s, Eme in California established the model of leveraging their power in prison to control and profit from criminal activity on the street.
Nuestra Familia (“our family” in Spanish): The “N” is the 14th letter in the alphabet which is used as their symbol,along with the Roman numeral “XIV” to represent their gang, another mostly Hispanic prison gang that is constantly at war with La Eme and was originally formed from Northern-California or rural-based Hispanic prisoners opposing the domination by La Eme, which was started by and associated with Los Angeles gang members.
The Texas Syndicate: A mostly Texas-based prison gang that includes mostly Hispanic members and does (albeit rarely) allow Caucasian members. The Texas Syndicate, more than La Eme or Nuestra Familia, has been associated or allied with Mexican immigrant prisoners, such as the “Border Brothers”, while Eme and Familia tend to be composed of and associate with US-born or raised Hispanics.
Most African-American prison gangs retain their street gang names and associations. These commonly include Rollin’ sets (named after streets, i.e. Rollin’ 30′s, Rollin’ 40′s etc.) that can identify with either Blood or Crip affiliations. The Black Guerilla Family represents an exception, as an originally politically-based group that has a significant presence in prisons and prison politics.
Netas: a Hispanic (mainly Puerto Rican) gang, found on Puerto Rico and on the eastern coast of the US.
United Blood Nation: an African-American prison gang found on the east coast. They are rivals with the Netas and have ties with the Black Guerilla Family.
Folk Nation: Found in Midwestern and Southern states, allied with Crips, bitter rivals with the People Nation.
People Nation: Found in Midwestern and Southern states, allied with Bloods, bitter rivals with the Folk Nation.
D.C. Blacks: Found in Washington D.C. by African-American inmates, are alliged with the BGF and UBN and enemies to
AB and MM.
European Kindred: a white supremacist prison gang founded in Oregon that is affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood
and the Ku Klux Klan.
Confederate Knights of America: a white supremacist prison gang in Texas that is affiliated with the KKK and AB.
Aryan Circle: a white supremacist prison gang affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and the KKK.
Dead Man Incorporated (DMI): a predominately white prison gang founded in the Maryland Correctional System with branches in many other correctional facilities throughout the U.S.
Conservative Vice Lords (CVL): A primarily African American gang that originated in the St. Charles Illinois Youth Center outside Chicago.[ In Chicago, CVL operated primarily in the Lawndale section and used drug sales profits to continue operation and used prisons to train and recruit new members.
Aryan Brotherhood of Texas: a white supremacist prison gang affiliated with the AB and the KKK.
Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California. It has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans (mostly Salvadorans) and active in urban and suburban areas.
In the U.S., the MS-13 has an especially heavy presence in Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California; the Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas of Fairfax County, Virginia, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Prince George’s County, Maryland; Queens, New York; Long Island, New York; Newark, New Jersey, Plainfield, New Jersey; Jersey City, New Jersey; Elizabeth, New Jersey; the Boston, Massachusetts area; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Houston, Texas. There is also a presence of MS-13 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Members of MS distinguish themselves by tattoos covering the body and also often the face, as well as the use of their own sign language. They are notorious for their use of violence and a subcultural moral code that predominantly consists of merciless revenge and cruel retributions. This cruelty of the distinguished members of the “Maras” or “Mareros” earned them a path to be recruited by the Sinaloa Cartel battling against Los Zetas in an ongoing drug war south of the United States border. [5] [6][7] Their wide-ranging activities have drawn the attention of the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who have initiated wide-scale raids against known and suspected gang members – netting hundreds of arrests across the country
The Mexican Mafia (Spanish: Mafia Mexicana), also known as La eMe (Spanish for “the M”), is a highly organized Mexican American criminal organization in the United States.[1][4] Despite its name, the Mexican Mafia did not originate in Mexico and is entirely a U.S. criminal prison organization. Sureños, including MS-13 and Florencia 13,[15] use the number 13 to show allegiance to the Mexican Mafia. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. Law enforcement officials report that La eMe is the most powerful gang within the California prison system.[16] Government officials state that there are currently 155–300 official members of the Mexican Mafia with around 990 associates who assist La eMe in carrying out its illegal activities in the hopes of becoming full members.[
Sureños, Sur 13, or Sureños X3 are groups of loosely affiliated gangs[10] that pay tribute to the Mexican Mafia while in U.S. state and federal correctional facilities. Many Sureño gangs have rivalries with one another and the only time this rivalry is set aside is when they enter the prison system.[4][6][11] Thus, fighting is common among different Sureño gangs even though they share the same common identity. Sureños have emerged as a national gang in the United States.[5]*******
The Sinaloa Cartel (Spanish: Cártel de Sinaloa or CDS)[9] is an international drug trafficking, money laundering, and organized crime syndicate.[10] Established during the mid-1980s,[11] the Sinaloa Cartel is based primarily in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa,[12] with operations in the Mexican states of Baja California, Durango, Sonora, and Chihuahua.[13][14] The cartel is also known as the Guzmán-Loera Organization and the Pacific Cartel, the latter due to the coast of Mexico from which it originated. The cartel has also been called the Federation and the Blood Alliance.[13][15][16][17] The ‘Federation’ was partially splintered when the Beltrán-Leyva brothers broke apart from the Sinaloa Cartel.[18]
The Crips also known as Original Crip Homies (OCH) are a primarily African-American gang. They were founded in Los Angeles, California in 1969 mainly by Raymond Washington and Stanley Williams. What was once a single alliance between two autonomous gangs is now a loosely connected network of individual sets, often engaged in open warfare with one another. Its members traditionally wear blue clothing, a practice that has waned somewhat due to police crackdowns on gang members.
The Crips are one of the largest and most violent associations of street gangs in the United States,[1] with an estimated 30,000 to 35,000 members in 2008.[2] They have been involved in murders, robberies and drug dealing, among other crimes.
Crips have a long and bitter rivalry with the Bloods.
ANTIFA Anarchist Terrrorists are SCARED of Criminal Street Gangs like the Crips in Long Beach, CA
Anarchist Terrrorists are SCARED of Motorcycle Clubs / Outlaw Biker
Gangs like the Hells Angels, Outlaws and Gypsy Jokers
Portland Antifa Picks Fight With Outlaw Bikers, Then Antifa Member Hailley Nolan Blamed Police When They’re Shot
Imagine the irony when the very same violent Antifa militants who spent the last two years promoting “Defund the Police” now blame those same police for not protecting them when their intended victims fight back.
Antifa in Portland apparently tried their bully tactics on the Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club over the weekend and things turned — surprise! — violent. In the end, with one dead and five more wounded (video), police try to put together just what happened.
Meanwhile Antifa is blaming the police, not themselves for the violence. At the same time, Antifa’s leaders are telling their members and people in general not to talk to the cops, and to pull down social media posts that contain photos and video of what happened…or else.
That sounds like witness intimidation, doesn’t it?
If police really were to blame for what happened, why isn’t Antifa falling all over itself to provide the evidence? After all, these violent extremists love to record their exploits.
The Post Millenial has the details . . .
A mass shooting late Saturday night has left one dead and five injured after Portland-area Antifa held a gathering in solidarity with Amir Locke, a 22-year-old black man who was shot by police in Minneapolis earlier this month.
A woman was pronounced deceased at the scene, and two men and three women were taken to nearby hospitals, according to the New York Times. Two suspects are reportedly in custody in response to the shooting, according to KPTV.
The shooting occurred at around 8 pm near Normandale Park.
Tweets from Antifa members and groups told far-left comrades that were present not to talk to police investigating the shooting, to delete evidence posted on social media, and to keep posts including photos, videos, and first-hand accounts related to the incident to a minimum “so that you don’t receive a knock.”
Antifa “journalist” Melissa Lewis, who was a co-plaintiff in a failed frivolous “Antifa troll” lawsuit filed in federal court against The Post Millennial‘s editor-at-large Andy Ngo, said that “[o]ne of us got a chunk of the shooter.”
Antifa in Portland apparently tried their bully tactics on the Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club over the weekend and things turned — surprise! — violent. In the end, with one dead and five more wounded (video), police try to put together just what happened.'
Antifa Hailley Nolan hijacked a Portland Police news conference the next morning and in an incoherent rant, blamed cops for the dead woman and the others who were wounded. The woman, Hailley Nolan breathlessly claimed that white supremacist cops are sending Gypsy Joker motorcycle club members to snatch Antifa members.
“They are sending Gypsy Jokers to kidnap us. They are sanctioning this violence against us. We are dying. We are trying to peacefully protest and they are killing us. And I want to know if any of you care. I want to know if Ted Wheeler cares.”

Local TV station KGW had this:
Hailley Nolan, an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist to Disrespects and Insults the Biker Gangs like the Gypsy Jokers
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Hailley Nolan, an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist to Disrespects and Insults the Biker Gangs like the Gypsy Jokers |
Anonymous Spokesman Flees Over Safety Concerns
Though the jury's still out on the veracity of Anonymous' showdown with south-of-the-border bullies, Barrett Brown has emerged as the face of the hacktivist collective, which last week bit off possibly more than it could chew when it threatened the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas.
Last week we told you how Anonymous drew a line-in-the-sand ultimatum, threatening to go public with the identities of local police, journalists, taxi drivers and other allies who conspire with Los Zetas if the cartel didn't release a kidnapped Anonymous member.
Though Anonymous apparently called off their Operation Cartel (#OpCartel) after Los Zetas allegedly returned the kidnapped victim, Brown has decided to flee his Dallas home over concerns for his security. On Nov. 8, he tweeted, "I've got ex-military people releasing info on me and family. Have to leave Texas."
According to a tweet, members of #OccupyDC picked up the tab for a plane ticket to New York City after Brown tweeted "Anyone who can buy me ticket to NYC/Boston and have me pay them back in month, let me know. Home no longer secure."
Perhaps fleeing to more northern exposures was a good move for Brown - especially after a Mexican man was found decapited and dumped in the town of Nuevo Laredo, one mile from the Texas border. The man's hands were handcuffed behind his back, his body and head publicly strewn on a bloody sheet of canvas scrawled with the message: "Hi I'm ‘Rascatripas' and this happened to me because I didn't understand I shouldn't post things on social networks."
Anonymous retreats from Mexico drug cartel confrontation
Threats to begin unmasking members of Zetas reined back as cartel rumoured to be hiring own security specialists for physical retaliation – as others question whether Anonymous member was ever kidnapped in Veracruz
Plans by the hacker collective Anonymous to expose collaborators with Mexico's bloody Zetas drug cartel – a project it dubbed "#OpCartel" – have fallen into disarray, with some retreating from the idea of confronting the killers while others say that the kidnap of an Anonymous hacker, the incident meant to have spawned the scheme, never happened.
The apparent climbdown by the group came as one security company, Stratfor, claimed that the cartel was hiring its own security experts to track the hackers down – which could have resulted in "abduction, injury and death" for anyone it traced.
Motorcycle Monday: Portland Antifa members like Alexander Dial / @BetaCuck4Lyfe, Anthony Amoss, Clifford Phillip Eiffler-Rodriguez, Amanda Layla Woelfle (@tradishskinbyrd) and @BernardPDXHRC Declared War On Oregon Motorcycle Clubs / Biker Gangs
Back on Saturday, July 16 members of Antifa followed through on vows to try disrupting a gathering at the HonkyTonk Bar in Salem, Oregon. The result of the far-left group’s actions is what some are predicting to be a war between them and several motorcycle clubs throughout Oregon. If that sounds to you like a confrontation which would be wise to back away from, you’re not alone. What happens next could be ugly.
Watch the latest Motorious Podcast here.
Originally, Antifa groups began rallying members and supporters to join a “counter demonstration” for the “Take Action Tour” event being held at the HonkyTonk Bar. They characterized the venue’s gathering as “racist” and catering to both “fascists” as well as “white supremacists.” That event was marketed by the bar as “Hero Appreciation Day” complete with a dunk tank, bike show, eating contest, live music, bouncy house, family-friendly karaoke, free hot dogs, etc.
According to several Twitter posts from accounts journalist Andy Ngo says are Antifa members, the group which confronted them was the Free Souls Motorcycle Club. The one percenter motorcycle club might not have the household brand name of the Hells Angels, however its roots run deep. Founded in Eugene, Oregon in 1968 there’s considerable controversy over the details of its foundation, history, and what its aims are today. Regardless, Antifa seems poised to take it and other one percenter motorcycle clubs on in Oregon, promising for a confrontation like they’ve never seen.
White Rose of the Willamette Valley used its Twitter account to complain after Salem police didn’t protect their fellow Antifa members during the confrontation. It said Free Souls and “other uniformed security” both “attacked and injured community members peacefully protesting” without supplying details or other evidence. Unlawful whatever on Twitter claimed “one of ours” was hospitalized from the fight, retweeting a different person claiming “Salem police literally backed away” when the Free Souls came out to confront them. Another Antifa account proceeded to dox several people involved in the confrontation, tagging their supposed employers as well as releasing other personal details.
It's not like Antifa is unfamiliar with physical confrontation. Per Andy Ngo, one of the organizers of the demonstration at the HonkyTonk Bar was arrested in 2021 after allegedly hitting a female police officer. Ngo claimed another in attendance plead guilty the week before for doing over $164,000 in damages to a courthouse.
Anthony A. Amoss is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs
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Anthony A. Amoss is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs |
Clifford Phillip Eiffler-Rodriguez is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs
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Clifford Phillip Eiffler-Rodriguez is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs |
Alexander G. Dial @BetaCuck4Lyfe is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs
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Alexander G. Dial @BetaCuck4Lyfe is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs |
Alexander G. Dial @BetaCuck4Lyfe is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs
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Alexander G. Dial @BetaCuck4Lyfe is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs |
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Amanda Layla Woelfle (@tradishskinbyrd) is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs |
Amanda Layla Woelfle (@tradishskinbyrd) is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs
Amanda Layla Woelfle (@tradishskinbyrd) is an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist who wants to declare WAR against Criminal Street Gangs and Outlaw Biker Gangs |
Nobody knows for sure what comes next in this feud, but some purported Antifa members took to Twitter to either voice their concern for the group’s trajectory or encourage others to push forward in that direction. One person warned Oregon motorcycle clubs are “highly organised (sic) and relentlessly violent and have vast networks you don’t understand.”
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@BernardPDXHRC wants the Antifa Anarchist Terrorists to fight against Criminal Street Gangs and Biker Gangs |
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@BernardPDXHRC wants the Antifa Anarchist Terrorists to fight against Criminal Street Gangs and Biker Gangs |
@BernardPDXHRC wants the Antifa Anarchist Terrorists wants to fight against Criminal Street Gangs and Biker Gangs
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Antifa Anarchist Terrorists wants to fight against Criminal Street Gangs and Biker Gangs |
Antifa Anarchist Terrorists wants to fight against Criminal Street Gangs and Biker Gangs
Hailley Nolan, an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist to Disrespects and Insults the Biker Gangs like the Gypsy Jokers
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Hailley Nolan, an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist to Disrespects and Insults the Biker Gangs like the Gypsy Jokers |
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Andy Ngo -
Andy Ngo -
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