ALPHA KAPPA RHO - AKP Akrho Skeptron FRATERNITY Constitution and By-Laws / Bylaws
We, the members of the ALPHA KAPPA RHO INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN SERVICE FRATERNITY AND SORORITY,, beseech the guidance of ALL MIGHTY GOD, that we conscientiously uphold the value of true brotherhood an compassion. To always seek the TRUTH, to Love, promote, and preserve peace and the welfare of brotherhood. And to support the remain loyal to the tenets of this ORDER and above all, to commit ourselves to building a stronger bond with family, community and country.
With this resolve, we do hereby commit, institute and promulgate this Constitution.
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Article III. Membership, Members and Officers
Section I. Qualification for membership Section II. Selection Process Section III. Initiation Rites Section IV. Definition of Member Section V. Record in the AKP Registry Book Section VI. Application of Recognized Chapter/Council Section VII. Application of Registered Council/Chapter
Article IV. Officers and Titles
Section I. Basic Official Titles Section II. Grand National Skeptron; Qualification Section III. Powers and Functions
a. Grand National Skeptron b. Vice Grand National Skeptron c. National Master Keeper of the Scroll d. National Master Keeper of Treasury e. National Master of the Whip f. National Master of Auditing g. National Master of Public Relations
Section IV. Accreditation
Article V. Governing Bodies
Section I. Order of Hierarchies Section II. Responsibilities Section III. Grand National Council, Powers and Functions Section IV. Jurisdiction Section V. Legislative Power Section VI. Executive Power Section VII. Notification
Article VI. Policy-making Body
Section I. Board of Trustees Section II. Composition of the Board Section III. Term of Officer Section IV. Regional Councils Section V. Provincial/municipal/City/District Grand Council Section VI. Chapters / Councils
Article VII. Officers of Different Hierarchies
Section I. Grand National Council Officers Section II. Number of Seats Section III. Concurrent Position Section IV. Regional Councils Section V. Provincial/Municipal/City/District Councils Section VI. Chapter/ Councils Section VII. Obligations of Members
Article VIII. Rights, Duties and Obligations
Section I. Rights Section II. Duties and Obligations
Article IX. Disciplinary Action
Section I. Grounds for Disciplinary Action Section II. Imposable Penalties
Article X. Elections; Qualification and Nominations
Section I. Right of Suffrage Section II. Qualification to Elective Position Section III. Candidates’ Acceptance of Nomination Section IV. Electoral Candidates Section V. Powers of the Electoral Committee Section VI. Submission of Official Report Section VII. Two-Year Term Section VIII. Simple Majority Section IX. Record in the AKP Record Book
Article XI. Election of Officers of the Grand National Officers
Section I. Qualified Candidates for the Grand National Council Section II. Qualified Candidates for the Positions of Regional
Councils Officers and others.
Article XII. Rules and Regulations
Section I. Rules Section II. Regulations
Article XIII. Revenues
Section I. Derivatives of Revenues Section II. Future Revenues/ Dues
Article XIV. Policy on AKP Tradition
Article XV. Amendments
Article I. Name and Seal
Section I. Name
This fraternal Order shall be known and refer to as THE ALPHA KAPPA RHO INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN SERVICE FRATERNITY AND SORORITY INC. (Skeptron, Skeptron Society, AKP, The Order, Akrho).
Section II. Seal
The seal of this Order shall be circular in outline consisting of an outer, middle, and an inner rim and the core or hub. The outer rim is set in a red background with the name of the institution, year of its foundation and its motto encrypted in bold yellow. The middle rim is set in silver while the inner rim is set similarly in a red with no encryption. The core or hub is likewise set in a silver background with the three Greek letters “AKP” for ALPHA KAPPA RHO encrypted in a continuous outline at the center in bold yellow. The colors red, silver and gold signifies the devotion, conviction and boldness of this Order’s vision while the Greek letters or symbols “AKP” written in a continuous format signifies the infinity of this
Order’s pursuit of its visions, principles and goals. The motto ‘VINCIT OMNIA VERITAS’ is written conspicuously in bold yellow on the outer rim of the seal.
Section III. Seal (Insignia) Exhibited
This seal must be prominently exhibited or displayed in all official meetings and activities of the Order and shall likewise be used and/or affixed in all official instruments, papers, accouterments, artifice and other paraphernalia issued by, or under the authority of this fraternal Order.
Article II.
Mission and Vision
The Skeptron Mission is to offer the fraternal experience, focusing on personal character development through leadership, scholarship, community service, and for the attainment of positive social experiences. It likewise works for the advancement of true fraternal ties imbued with respect, courtesy, understanding, and love among fellow Skeptrons. Our vision is for the advancement of a just and humane society, always seeking the truth, enjoyment of peace, harmony and goodwill with other fraternities.
Article III.
Membership, Selection process, Initiation Rites
Section I. Membership; Qualification
a. Collegiate member – any college individual, regardless of gender, may qualify for membership with this Order; provided that he or she is at least 17 years of age, mentally, intellectually,
and physically prepared to undergo the regimens of the prescribed initiation.
b. Community member – any individual, regardless of gender, at least 18 years of age, a member of a particular community, such as a barangay or sitio, of good moral character, literate and prepared to undergo the regimens required, such as mental, physical and intellectual tests of fortitude and strength.
c. Honorary member – any individual may be conferred the status of Distinguished Skeptron upon the endorsement by a particular District, Provincial or Regional Council, and approved by the Board of Trustees convened in an official assembly.
d. Junior member – any student at least 16 years of age, in third year high school, of good scholastic records, of good moral character, prepared to undergo practical mental and intellectual examination may join the Order. However to be officially considered a full-pledge Skeptron, he shall have to undergo another initiation rites once he goes to college. His being an AKP junior member shall likewise be taken cognizance of.
e. College Alumni – is one who is a graduate or former student of a college/university or any school of learning. f. In no case shall a lady recruit undergo severe physical test or examination.
Section II. Membership, Selection Process
The procedure for accepting an individual’s application for membership with this Order shall be as follows:
1. Submission of a duly accomplished application form signed by the recruit individual and by the endorser/recruiting party.
2. The application form duly accomplished by the recruit shall be submitted to the Office of a particular Grand Skeptron of a chapter or council who shall, after a careful review, order the
Master of the Whip (Master Initiator) to conduct the required tests for a standard mental, intellectual and physical endurance.
3. In cases where a particular application is rejected, same may be re-filed for reconsideration before the same office; the endorser/recruiting party must justify in person and in writing his or her specific reason/s why the application must be considered.
4. Any bona fide member of the AKP Order may signify his intention to disapprove or reject, any applicant who, by his own knowledge and belief, is not fit to be considered a recruit.
Section III. Initiation Rites.
The Master Initiator shall conduct the manner of the initiation rites (IR) and shall adapt and implement the rules governing initiation ceremonies, to wit:
1. A recruit must undergo a series of tests totaling at least of 200 hours, spread over a reasonable time frame but not to exceed two and a half months.
2. The Master Initiator (MI) shall receive the Order from the Grand Skeptron for the start and conduct of the initiation.
3. The Master Initiator shall prepare a program for the conduct of the initiation rites which shall be approved by the GS of the chapter of the council.
4. The MI must see to it that no member of the chapter who is not chosen or part of the initiation team shall participate in said rite.
5. No member who is under the influence of liquor or drugs shall be allowed to participate in the initiation rites.
6. The MI shall see to it that no severe initiation shall take place or under his control.
Section IV. Definition of a Member.
Members of this Order shall be defined as any individual who has successfully completed the initiation prescribed under this constitution and officially conferred as such during his or her ordination rites by the Grand Skeptron of the Council, with the assistance of the Council officers of the particular chapter in ceremonial rites.
Section V. Record in the AKP Registry Book
The entry of the name of the individual in the registry book shall be made only upon the conferment of his or her membership duly recorded by the Keeper of the Scroll (Secretary) of the particular chapter concerned.
Section VI. Application at Recognized Chapter
Any individual member may apply for membership in the Order at recognized chapter from the following sectors:
1. The Academe – These are universities, colleges and other institutes of learning officially registered and accredited by the National Grand Council, and;
2. The Communities – This refers to specific community, locality and chapters, such as a barangay or sitio, officially registered and accredited by the National Grand Council.
Article IV.
Officers and Official Titles.
Section I. Basic Titles.
The following are the basic official titles of the officers of the different councils and chapters from the national grand council down to the community chapter level, to wit:
a. Grand Skeptron – The overall head of a particular Chapter. He shall be responsible for its general affairs, including the implementation of policies, edicts, ordinances and regulations, existing or as may be promulgated hereinafter by the higher council. He shall likewise be responsible for
b. Vice Grand Skeptron – second in command in a particular chapter and shall take over the position of the Grand Skeptron in case of disability, suspension, removal from office or expulsion
c. Master Keeper of the Scroll
d. Master keeper of the Wealth
e. Master for Public Relations
f. Master of the Whip (Master Initiator)
g. Master Sergeant-at-Arms (Disciplinary Action Officer – DAO)
h. Master Examiner of Accounts (Auditor)
Section II. National Grand Skeptron qualifications (Powers, Functions and Jurisdictions)
a. A member in good standing and of good moral character;
b. At least college graduate
c. At least 25 years of age
d. Has been a member of the AKP for at least eight (8) years.
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Section III. Powers and Functions.
1. The National Grand Skeptron
a. He shall hold the highest executive position in the AKP;
b. He is the overall head of national grand council;
c. He shall be responsible for its general affairs and shall preside in all its meetings, and shall have administrative power over all regional, provincial, city/municipal, collegiate and community chapters under it.
d. He shall make certain that the local chapters under his office shall observe, act upon, comply, abide conform, and follow all rules, regulations decrees, verdict, announcement, judgments, orders, and requests handed down by the national grand council or coursed through it by the Board of Trustees.
e. He shall have the power to create a commission or board and appoints its members, as in the case of an Electoral committee, subject to the concurrence by a simple majority of the National Grand Council.
f. He shall have the duty to review and approve expense vouchers. Together with the Treasure Keeper or National Treasurer, he shall present to the National Grand Council and its members a proposed annual budget and from time to time as maybe necessary, supplemental budgets.
g. He shall likewise submit to the Council a year-end budget report and an annual year-end report pertaining to the operations and activities of the AKP organization.
h. He shall hold office for a period of two (2) years. However, he may seek re-election for another term with the same position and for a total of four (4) years.
2. The Vice National Grand Skeptrons
a. There shall be voted or elected a vice-grand Skeptron representing the island of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
b. They shall be members of the National Grand Council with voting rights as far as legislation and judicial decisions are concerned, when the same is presented to the National Grand
Council for deliberation.
c. In case of a vacancy in the position of the National Grand Skeptron, by reason of incapacitation, impeachment or resignation, the standby vice grand-skeptron garnering a majority of the new election for said position by the whole national grand council shall be called for. In the event that the position of the National Grand Skeptron is temporarily left vacant, the National Grand Council shall as well vote or select one among the three vice grand Skeptrons who shall take the place of the National Grand Skeptron.
3. National Master Keeper of the Scroll (Secretary)
He shall ct as the secretary of the National Council and as such keep the minutes of the meetings of the National Council. He shall be responsible for the dissemination of all communications, correspondence, notices and advisories, etc. subject to the direction of the NGS. He shall have safe custody of official files, records and all other papers pertaining to the Order. He shall likewise be responsible for the production of the National Seal whenever a meeting of the National Council is convened.
4. National Custodian of Wealth (Treasurer)
He shall be the custodian of the coffers of the AKP, and as such shall likewise have the obligation to collect, receive and disburse all money and valuables upon the direction of the National Grand Skeptron or Executive Council. He shall keep and have charge of all Book of Accounts, which shall be open to inspection and audit by any member of the Executive Council whenever required on account on fiscal necessity. He shall post a bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Executive Council. He shall render a quarterly financial report, or at any time required by the Executive Council, but not more than five times in a fiscal year.
5. National Public Relations Officers (PRO)
He shall have the duty to see to it that the different chapters and councils have healthy relations in the different colleges and communities throughout the country, and shall, upon orders of the National Grand Skeptron, likewise have the duty to speak for and in behalf of the National Grand Council in matters relating to the activities of the Order.
6. National Master of the Whip (Master Initiator)
He shall be in cha7rge in coordinating with the various chapter/council levels the standard program for initiation.
7. National Auditor
He shall review, check, inspect, examine, and inventory all money received and disbursed by the Master Custodian of Wealth. He shall render a quarterly report as well, and submit the same to the National Grand Skeptron.
8. National Sergeant-at-Arms
He, as the head of the Disciplinary Action Committee, shall have the duty to receive complaints, grievances, hear its merits and submit to the grand council his report and recommendation thereof. He shall have the power to call the attention of erring members and recommend punitive action thereof when the name of the Order is unceremoniously put in a bad light.
Section IV. Accreditation
A regional, provincial, district, city, collegiate and community chapters shall be considered as such in the following manner:
a. For prospective regional councils, the officers of a provincial or district council shall signify their intention to form a regional council to represent them by way of an application to the National Grand Council. After due deliberation, the national grand council shall confer to the status of a regional council.
b. In the case of a future city/municipal council to be established as one, the heads of the different collegiate and/or community chapters therein shall put in writing their intention to be accepted or recognized as such before the provincial, city or district council, and copy furnish the national grand and the regional executive councils. No conferment shall be made without satisfying this requirement.
c. A collegiate or community may be established with at least twenty (20) members having elected their officers. They shall be assisted by a recognized district, city or provincial council in this respect.
d. The entry of the name of the regional, provincial/district, city, collegiate and community chapters in the registry book shall be made upon the conferment of their official status duly recorded by the National Master Keeper of the Scroll (Secretary).
e. No conferment of the new status shall be made without complying with the requirement of registration in the official registry book, otherwise, the grant by the regional council, as the may be of such status to the newly formed provincial or district council, shall not be considered official and may later be considered null and void for failure to comply with such requirement within a reasonable period of time.
Article V.
Governing Bodies
Section I. Hierarchy
The governing bodies of this order shall follow and abide by the authority of each council in accordance with the hierarchy prescribed herein:
a. First Order of Hierarchy – The National Grand Council
b. Second Order of Hierarchy – The Regional Council
c. Third Order of Hierarchy – The Provincial Council
d. Fourth Order of Hierarchy – The City, Municipal and District Councils
e. Fifth Order of Hierarchy – The Collegiate and Community
Section II. Responsibilities of the different chapters/councils
Responsibilities of the Collegiate, Community, City, Municipal, District Council, Provincial and Regional Councils As the governing bodies of the different chapter/council levels, they are responsible for the affairs of this Order within their respective jurisdiction as follows:
1. To oversee the conduct of activities, functions and affairs of the Order within their level.
2. To implement policies, edicts, dictums and directives emanating from the Higher Councils.
3. To settle disputes and controversies between the different chapters, districts and regions and the enforcement of discipline upon all members of this Order. This shall include matters governing disputes and controversies that may arise between the community itself and the Order as in the case of disputes between different fraternal orders, etc.
4. To decide on issues affecting the members of their respective chapter, district and region as well as to act as an Appellate Body to hear and review matters submitted for appeal by any member within its jurisdiction.
5. To ensure proper compliance of the various electoral processes described herein in the Electoral Process.
6. To ensure that the good name of the Order is at all times held in high esteem.
Section III. National Grand Council: Powers and Functions
Vestment of Power and Authority
By virtue of this Constitution, the National Grand Council is vested with the following Jurisdictions, Powers and Authorities: The National Grand Council shall have sole and absolute jurisdiction over the entire archipelago, and where there exist an AKP council duly recognized thereof, such as the United States, Singapore, South Korea, Middles, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others.
Section IV. Legislative Powers
The legislative powers of the National Grand Council shall extend to every case of legislation including that of promulgating, amending and repealing old legislation that may be inapplicable or inappropriate and not beneficial to the Order without prejudice to any existing edicts, regulations, ordinances, and by-laws.
Section V. Executive Powers
1. The National Council shall have the power to duly recognized application for the creation or establishment of a chapter/council in any level, and has the power to execute and implement by-laws and regulations of the AKP;
2. It shall have the authority to withdraw or revoke charters as well as reactivate chapters. It shall also be empowered to issue special dispensations for all purposes permitted by the provisions of this Constitution; awarding of honors and in general, the exercise of authority necessary to carry out the administrative functions, rights and prerogatives.
Section VI. Notification to the Board of Trustees
All matters relating to legislations, executive pronouncement and judicial decisions shall at all time be made known to the Board of Trustees. The This is only an Interim draft, for revision and finalization of the Grand National Council Board of Trustees, has the power to void any inappropriate and improper amended laws, executive orders or judicial decisions.
Article VI.
Policy Making Body
Section I. Board of Trustees. There shall be one major policy making body.
a. No major changes shall take place or be adapted by any of the governing bodies without the explicit written approval of the Board Trustees
b. Only the board has the power to hand down decisions pertaining to the expulsion of a member
c. The Board shall convene at least once a year or at the discretion of the Board chair or co-chair, in the absence of the former
d. The Board shall convene at least twice (2) a year or at the discretion of the presiding Board chair or co-chair, in the absence of the chair
e. The members of the Board shall be given the highest honor and respect befitting such status.
Section II. Composition of the Board of Trustees.
The Board shall have the following composition, to wit:
a. Chairman Emeritus – reserved for the Skeptron Most High, Founder Boy Chua.
b. Vice-Chair – co-founder (elected or chosen by the founders themselves)
c. All the living founders, however, they have to signify their intention to be as such
d. The National Grand Skeptron
e. In case of an even number of seats for the Board, any one of the
National Vice-Grand Skeptron, after an election, may seat on the Board.
Section III. Term of office of the Board of Trustees
The terms of the Board of Trustees who are the founding members of the Order shall be members for life. However, in no case shall the term of office of the founding member be transferable or inherited; all other Board members shall serve as such for tenure of two (2) years.
Section IV. The Organizational chart of the AKP
AKP Organizational Chart
Board of Trustees
Alumni (Nat’l Grand Skeptron) Different Alumni Chapters/Councils
Grand National Council (National Grand Skeptron) VISAYAS (VGS-V) LUZON
MINDANAO (Vice-Grand Skeptron-L)
Regional Councils
Reg. Councils Reg. Grand Skeptron
Prov./ City/ Dist. Councils
Reg. Councils (RGS)
Prov./ City/ Dist.
Prov./ City Councils
Coll./Comm. Coll./Comm.
Section V. Representations
The number of representative officers for the different chapters and councils shall be determined by the number of duly recognized chapters or councils by the National Grand Council.
Article VII.
The Officers of the Different Hierarchies
Section I. National Grand Council Officers: Term of Office
Every national officers of this Order shall have a tenure of two (2) year per term. The National Grand Skeptron shall be allowed to hold office for a maximum of two (2) terms or a total of four (4) years only, whether consecutive or not. All other positions may be held by the officer regardless of the number of terms, and whether said position or positions are held in consecutive terms or not.
Section II. Number of Seats
The number of seats available for each National Grand Council is eight (8) in addition to the number of remaining representatives of regional council officers. They are as follows:
a. Grand Skeptron
b. Vice Grand Skeptron
c. Keeper of the Scroll
d. Keeper of the Wealth (Treasury)
e. Master of the Whip ( Master Initiator)
f. Community Relation Officer
g. Disciplinary Action Officer or Sergeant- at- Arms
h. Auditor
i. In addition to the number of the remaining regional heads (as members)
Section III. Concurrent Position
The officer of the National Grand Council shall hold in concurrent position his position as the regional head.
Section IV. Regional Council
The Officers of the Regional Council shall be composed of (7+ provincial council heads):
a. Most Distinguished Grand Skeptron
b. Most Distinguished Vice Grand Skeptron
c. Distinguished Keeper if the Scroll
d. Distinguished Keeper of Treasury
e. Distinguished Examiner of Accounts
f. Distinguished Community Relations Officer
g. Distinguished Members of the Council
Section V. The Provincial/district/City Council Officers (7+ members of the different chapters) are as follows:
a. Provincial/District/ City Grand Skeptron
b. Provincial/ District/ City Vice Grand Skeptron
c. Provincial/ District/ City Keeper of the Scroll
d. Provincial/ District/ City Keeper of Treasury
e. Provincial/District/ City Officer for Community Relations
f. Provincial/District/ Sergeant-at-Arms
g. Provincial/District/ City Auditor
h. Provincial/district/ Members of the council
Section VI. Chapter / Council
The Chapter Council shall have eight (8) regular Officers. They are the following:
a. Grand Skeptron
b. Vice Grand Skeptron
c. Keeper of the Scroll
d. Keeper of the Treasury This is only an Interim draft, for revision and finalization of the Grand National Council
e. Master of the Whip
f. Community Relations Officer
g. Sergeant-at-Arms
h. Auditor
Article VIII.
Rights, Duties and Obligations
Section I. Rights
Members of this Order shall be considered as distinguished fraternal brothers and sisters and shall enjoy the following rights:
a. All members shall have the right to be addressed as Lord Skeptron, and
as such enjoy all the rights and privileges accorded a Skeptron b. All members shall have the right to the maintenance of his/her personal
life c. All members regardless of rank, age, gender, religion language and
status in life shall have equal rights d. Every member shall have the right to free expression or to voice out his/her opinion, belief, conviction, judgment, criticism and suggestions in all issues pertaining to the Order e. Every member shall have the right to participate, directly or indirectly,
in the policy-making of the Skeptron Order f. No member shall be reprimanded, suspended, impeached or expelled
without due process g. Every member shall have the right to vote the candidate of their choice in a fair and honest election, and shall be free from harassment or any form of aggravation h. Every member in good standing shall have the right to information, notices and all communication in all matters concerning the AKP., with the exception however of highly classified information i. Every member shall have the right to seek redress when he feels his
right as an AKP has been violated or abridged j. Every member of good standing shall have the right to nominate or nominated, or be elected in any electoral activities conducted by the chapter or council he belongs or is a registered member
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Section II. Obligation
Every member shall have the obligation to perform the following tasks, to with:
a. Every member shall always be willing to help his fellow Skeptron, and
remain humble b. Every member shall show respect or discourtesy to his fellow Skeptron
regardless of age, gender, status in life, and seniority c. Every member shall be marked by the AKP ritual, subject to rules on
junior or minor members d. Every member must conduct himself/herself in a manner in befitting a respectable Skeptron, or a citizen or residence of a particular country, school or community e. A Skeptron is obligated to defend the good name of the Order when he believes same is being maligned or unfairly accused, thereby promoting and protecting the integrity of the Order f. Every member shall abide by and honor all lawful rules and regulations
handed down by a governing body g. A Skeptron must help develop social responsibility and awareness in the community or in society as a whole, by encouraging the youth and the residents or a particular community to participate in community affairs geared towards social progress h. Members must religiously pay his dues, contribution and other financial
responsibility to the Order i. A member must actively participate in the affairs of the Order
Article IX.
Disciplinary Action
Section I. Grounds for Disciplinary Action, The following shall be grounds for disciplinary action:
1. Gross disregard of the constitution and bylaws of AKP 2. Disgraceful and |Dishonorable conduct 3. Gross disrespect or discourtesy to officer and members of AKP
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4. Malverzation of AKP funds 5. Dishonesty 6. Oppression of AKP brothers and sisters 7. Neglect of duty 8. Falsification of official AKP documents 9. Inefficiency 10. Insubordination 11. Engaging in partisan activities or agitating division within the Order 12. Conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the AKP 13. Lobbying for personal interest or gain 14. Improper handling of official AKP logo and paddle 15. Gross abuse of official duties 16. Inflicting physical and physiological injury to fellow Skeptron 17. Taking undue advantage of fraternal siblings in pursuit of personal gain 18. Improper and gross misconduct during official meetings 19. Improper conduct in public which tends to put the good name of AKP in
bad light 20. Disclosure of confidential AKP information 21. Agitating disregard of AKP laws, rules and regulations 22. Agitating fellow skeptrons to engage in criminal activities 23. Betrayal of trust 24. Mendicancy 25. Non-payment of regular dues 26. Soliciting without approval from the chapter or council where he
belongs 27. Violent acts 28. Discourtesy
Section II. Imposable Penalties;
The penalties imposable upon erring officials or members shall be determined by the gravity or seriousness of the offense committed. The following penalties may be imposed:
1. Expulsion, removal from the Order. His/her name shall be
removed from the roster of AKP members 2. Suspension from the Order for a period of six (6) months to
one (1) year 3. Demotion from rank
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4. Reprimand 5. Community service 6. Fines 7. AKP reasonable discipline in the discretion of the GS
Article X.
Election, Qualification and Nominations
Section I. Right of Suffrage
Any bona fide member of the order, duly recognized and in good standing, May exercise his right of suffrage for the chapter/council officers of his choice and where he is a registered member.
Section II. Qualifications to Elective Positions
1. He must be a member in good standing, and duly endorsed or
nominated to the position by his co-chapter/council member or officer 2. He must not have been found guilty of any offense involving
moral turpitude, or has not committed acts inimical to the good name of the Order 3. He must be nominated by the members of the chapter/council
to vie for any position
Section III. Candidates, Acceptance of Nominations
Any interested member who wish to be elected as officer to a particular chapter or council shall signify his acceptance of the nomination by filing his certificate of candidacy before an Electoral Committee, and attaching therein the acceptance and nomination form.
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Section III. a. The election of officers shall be conducted by secrete voting
Section IV. Electoral Committee
The outgoing officers of a council or chapter shall provide for a system of election, appointing therein the officers of the electoral commission. The Electoral Committee to be created by the Grand Chapter or Council, duly approved by its Grand Skeptron shall formulate the manner of election, setting, its date, time, and the rules which should be applied. In case of a dispute as to the composition of the Electoral Committee, same shall be brought to the attention of the higher governing body which has jurisdiction over it.
Section IV. a. An Electoral Committee shall be composed of a chairman and four commissioners. They must be AKP member of good standing, at least college level, with known fairness and probity, and must not have been candidates an elective position in the immediate preceding elections.
Section V. Powers of the Electoral Committee
1. It shall administer the manner of elections by promulgating
and enforcing the rules set forth for the conduct of nomination and
elections 2. It shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all contests relating to
elections and qualifications of all elective officers 3. To resolve complaints relating to elections; no action shall be
taken on a complaint unless it be a written complaint
Section VI. Submission of Official Result
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The Electoral Committee task for the job shall submit to the Grand Council/ chapter within a reasonable period of time the official result of the elections, copy furnished the regional and national councils.
Section VII. Two- Year Term
The elected officer shall hold office for a two year term. In case of vacancy the Grand Skeptron shall appoint an officer for the unexpired term only.
Section VIII. Simple Majority
A simple majority shall apply in the determination of an elective officer.
Section IX. Record of the AKP Registry Book
The entry of the names of the elected officers in the AKP registry book shall be made only upon a certification from the Electoral Committee of such victory duly recorded by the Keeper of the Scroll (Secretary) of the particular chapter concerned. ARTICLE XI.
Election of Officers of the National Grand Council
Section I. Qualified Candidates for the National Grand Council
1. The qualified voters and candidates for the National Grand Council elective positions are the Grand Skeptrons of the regional council, or of an alumni council duly recognized thereof. 2. There shall be a stand-by National Grand Skeptron in case the sitting national head is incapacitated, resigns or impeached from office. The
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National Grand Skeptron in-wait, shall be voted or elected during the national election of officers. The one National Vice Grand Skeptron having garnered majority votes cast among the three National Vice Grand Skeptron by all the members of the different regional councils including the Alumni Chapter, in a national election of officers, shall sit as the National Grand Skeptron for the remaining term.
Section II. Qualified Candidates for the Regional, Provincial, Municipal, and City Councils
The Grand Skeptron Officers of the different AKP Provincial Councils shall qualify to be candidates and be voted for the position of the regional council head (within the regional territorial jurisdiction). However, to aspire for the regional council head, he shall have to be nominated by his provincial officers. The same rule shall apply for the rest of councils and chapters under the regional councils as far as election of their own officers are concerned.
Article XII.
Rules and Regulations
Section I. Rules
a. All Laws of the land, policies of the schools, natural laws,
common laws, and rules and regulations of the Order must be adhered to, complied with the obeyed by all the members of the AKP. b. The Anti-Hazing law shall be observed by all the members of
the Order. c. A legally married Skeptron shall not engage in amorous affairs in his/her unmarried fellow Skeptron.
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d. No Skeptron shall inflict physical or physiological harm
another Skeptron. e. No Skeptron shall malign another Skeptron. f. In case of grievance against a fellow Skeptron, he or she shall
bring this to the attention of the Council or Chapter where he or
she is a member, and the grievance shall be heard. The respondent Skeptron shall be accorded due process. g. Foregiveness to a fellow Skeptron shall always be the mark of
true Skeptron. However, the penalty shall always be enforced.
Section II. Regulation
Any member of the Order found in violation any provision of the constitution and by-laws of the Order shall face disciplinary action. However, no penalty shall be imposed upon the erring member without the application of due process of law.
Article XIII.
Section I. The Order shall derive its revenues from the following
a. Registration fee as a member
b. Registration fee for a recognized chapter or council
c. Fees for issuance of AKP certificates, diplomas, IDs, and other
Skeptron documents
d. Dues levied upon the chapters and councils
e. Proceeds from the rent or sale of the Order’s properties
f. Cash donations from generous AKP benefactors
g. Fines
h. Other lawful ways and means to generate funds, ex. Raffles or
contest, etc.
Section II. Future revenues/ dues must be set forth by the organization
officers upon the approval by the body.
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Article XIV.
Policy on AKP Tradition
Section I. AKP Tradition
The AKP tradition of having the mark of a true Skeptron shall forever be held sacred.
Article XV.
Section I. The AKP Constitution and by-laws shall be subject to
amendment when called for by the Grand National Council. Ratified and
concurred by the Board of Trustees.